Slow Code call themselves a "Seattle WA-based dirge-punk power trio. Overcaffeinated, pensive, dissonant". I couldn't agree with that description more.
It can become an arduous task to find a ‘pure genre’ record. That is what Matter is and it does a damn fine job of it. A triumphant effort from St. Lucia.
Majical Cloudz does strike out in a new direction with The Wait & See, but it does so with a well-stocked collection of tools from its earlier efforts.
Bloodiest and Sinistro are two prophets of post-doom that have already created one HELL of a soundtrack with their new albums…enjoy it while you still can!
MONEY's new album is slow, slurred, sad, almost pretty, rather bleak, and a tad humorous. And that is precisely what makes Suicide Songs a success overall.
Eleanor Friedberger's New View is not an album to over analyse or dissect, it’s an album to celebrate, to devour and to fall in love with. It’s a classic.
Daughter's new album is surrounded by various veneers but peeling them away is rewarding, as the bare soul of Not To Disappear will leave you spellbound.