You Dirty Rat Band

Favorite Overrated Underrated With You Dirty Rat

At this point, saying 2020 ruined everyone’s plans is a tale as old as time. Still, 2020 was shaping up to be pretty epic for Detroit ska punk band You Dirty Rat. They were working on a new album, planning shows, and really gearing up to kick some major butt. As the story goes, COVID-19 had different plans. They went from working on demos for their new album to playing the last show Small’s in Hamtramck would see for a very long time. I’m sure the irony won’t be lost on anyone that the show took place on Friday, March 13th. The next day, Michigan’s Governor would begin instituting closures, curfews, and lockdowns to combat the spread of the virus. And, just like that, the major plans You Dirty Rat had in motion were over.

Pilfers show flyer


I’ve never known a plague to keep a dirty rat down though, so the band persevered. They released the demos for their upcoming album on streaming services and bandcamp, and got together to practice to practice and do livestreams when it was safe. Not ideal, but nothing in 2020 was. If the demos are any indication, we are in for a major treat of ska punk when the full-length comes out later this year.

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This week marks the birthday of bass player and backing vocalist Bobby Rat. As a birthday present, I made him answer which albums are his favorite, and which are the most overrated and underrated. Take a look at what Bobby thinks and them make sure you wish him a happy birthday, or listen to the demos the band released to get you hyped for the album.

Bobby Rat!


Favorite Album

“I’m so tempted to go with what I feel are the “cool” answers (read as: cliché): Bouncing Souls – Hopeless Romantic or Dear Landlord – Dream Homes. But, no matter where life takes me, or how many people give me a hard time about it, the only real answer is Taking Back Sunday – Tell All Your Friends. I will never forget sitting in Marco Barberini’s living room in 2002 and just being blown away the first time I heard “Cute Without the E”. This album just found me at a time when I was really finding myself.

Mentally, I was stuck somewhere between the bouncy, laugh along bubblegum pop-punk of Blink 182 or the Vandals, and the pure anger release of Slipknot or Rage Against the Machine. Somehow this combined both. The angst. The raw energy. Hooks galore, and damn dude, DUELING MELODIES? Who does that? Also, I really just wanna scream like John Nolan when I grow up.”

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Overrated Album

“Easiest question I’ve ever been asked. Jawbreaker’s 24 Hour Revenge Therapy. BOOOOOOOOOOORRRING. I never even realized it was possible for music to have charisma until I heard Jawbreaker’s complete lack of charisma. I get it, Blake is an excellent lyricist, but at some point you have to make me think you care about what you’re saying. Even a little. I have long said that my favorite Jawbreaker song, is whatever Jawbreaker song a different band covers.”

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Underrated Album

“It’s the damndest thing about punk rock, but it’s pretty much entirely underrated by default. When I really think about it though, it becomes clear that the most underrated is The Jukebox Romantics A Lion and a Guy. It’s the total package. An underrated album, by a criminally underrated band. If you go to their Spotify page, it doesn’t even show up under their popular releases. Although, the album that features a special guest spot by me sure does, hey-o!

This album touches almost every sub-genre of the punk rock lexicon and does it cohesively without ever feeling like they’re reaching. It’s 13 songs and I don’t know that I’ve ever skipped a single one in my 1,000 listens over the years. I’m gonna go for the trifecta and name the most underrated song, on the most underrated album, by the most underrated band. Check out “Monster Hands.” Absolute ska-punk banger folks.”

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You Dirty Rat Links: Bandcamp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter