Thrice 2018 Palms promo pic

Thrice: Palms | No Grey Areas Here…

Thrice is a band that has evolved with clear intention of becoming a legendary band.

Not in egotistical means or an overconfidence that turns people away. Rather in letting their music and lyrics doing all the talking for them, as they continue to gain new fans along the way, in their musical career that dates back two decades.


Palms is Thrice’s 10th album.

It is a milestone release for Thrice, as so many bands are washed out by their 5th or 7th attempt. This 10th creative effort not only recreates their foundation as a rock band that proves they have a spot at the table among their many (and less creative and original) counterparts, but solidifies them as a band that has so much more to give.

Palms is full of passion, vigor, emotion, and hard hitting moments that pull you in and groove your heart and your soul.


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The first three tracks “Only Us,” “The Grey,” and “The Dark” are perhaps the strongest set of opening tracks I have heard on an album of any genre in a long time. They elevate the rock and roll game to a level of quality that will make other bands second guess themselves as they write songs.

I am not going to break down each track of this record, because I want each fan and/or listener to have their own experience. Palms is a special record created by a band that truly has a gift. The chemistry of Dustin Kensrue, Teppei Teranishi, and Ed and Riley Breckenridge is something that cannot be written or manufactured. It truly is a modern day ‘Beatles-like‘ situation.

Four dudes who truly sweat, dream, bleed, and speak beautiful music into this existence. Music that will lift up those of us who may be sad, and will shine a light into the darkness. Each song on their new record is important and pivotal, and holds a true place in this musical landscape.

Hear it for yourself.

I guarantee you will feel something new. Something that only you should feel, and that connects to you. The theme of Palms centers on the idea that “Everything Belongs” so in that truth, everyone should find something for them in this record…