Breaking The Circle – Talking Circle Breaker With Noah Taxpayer, Drummer For Experimental Portland Punks, The Taxpayers
Sylvan Esso: Echo Mountain Sessions EP | A Prism For White Light Kelsey Simpkins·August 21, 2017Like a prism, the light that is Sylvan Esso gets broken into a multidimensional rainbow. On the Echo Mountain Sessions EP, we get a glorious glimpse.Adopt This AlbumFeatured·2 mins read
Sylvan Esso asks “What Now”? and I Say: We Dance Kelsey Simpkins·June 12, 2017I need you to go see Sylvan Esso live this summer. I need to you blast What Now in your room and dance. I need you to fall in love with someone.Rants·5 mins read
New Jams: Sylvan Esso and Bibio Kelsey Simpkins·May 20, 2014If you're looking for new fresh, lush electronic sounds for the summer, look no further then Bibio's Silver Wilkinson and Sylvan Esso's self titled album.New Jams·1 min read