Marcel Sletten – Vicious Kisses | Basking in the Ambient Haze Adam P. Newton·August 23, 2021I literally slept on ambient music for years. Even as I explored various permutations of electronic music, I...Album ReviewsFeatured·2 mins read
Bad Internet Porn or 2021’s The Green Knight? A Review. Kelsey Simpkins·August 20, 2021Each time I go to the movies, I live for the previews, savor the candy I’ve snuck in,...FeaturedMoviesReview·7 mins read
Lyric Shrink | A Perspective on the Absurdity of Bob Seger’s Night Moves Ryan·August 19, 2021Welcome once again to Lyric Shrink. This edition features a departure from the line-by-line analysis seen in the...Dedication PostFeaturedMusicOpinion·3 mins read
The Joy Formidable – Into the Blue | All Hail the Mighty Festival Band Adam P. Newton·August 18, 2021One of the biggest compliments my wife can give an artist is that they’re great at festivals. She...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Upbeat Allstars Share Their Favorite, Overrated, and Underrated Albums Dane Jackson·August 17, 2021Every good superhero needs an origin story. Before Andy Baker teamed up with the world to create the...Favorite Overrated UnderratedFeaturedMovies·3 mins read
Crushed Monocle Podcast: Episode 2 – The Ballad of 1996 Aaron Cooper·August 12, 2021In episode 2 of the Crushed Monocle Podcast, Jon and Coop discuss the pop culture fallout of the Telecommunications Act of 1996FeaturedPodcast·2 mins read
Captain Accident Shares Their Favorite, Overrated, and Underrated Albums Dane Jackson·August 10, 2021When you listen to Captain Accident’s music, the first thing that becomes apparent is the love and respect...Favorite Overrated UnderratedFeaturedInterviewMusic·2 mins read
alexalone – ALEXALONEWORLD | Superb Reinvention of Obvious Influences Adam P. Newton·August 9, 2021Few things soothe like listening to one of your favorite albums. I’m not talking about those critically acclaimed...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Catbite | Nice One Review Dane Jackson·August 5, 2021Chances are that if you’re even casually paying attention to the ska music scene lately, you’ve heard of...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusicReview·3 mins read
Gear City Records Debuts With 20th Anniversary Collaboration With Two Cow Garage Dane Jackson·August 2, 2021This is a story about the power of music, the power of friendship, and about how small the...FeaturedMusic·4 mins read