Fan of beer, dogs, vinyl, travel, shows, and eats.
Brew for @fognog (Foggy Noggin Brewing).
For the most part I only write about albums that I have personally purchased. I believe these albums are created by bands that deserve your support and money. If one person that didn’t know about one of these albums enjoys it and in turn supports that band…it is all worth it. There are links to purchase the music in posts, but I also urge you to go support your local record stores if possible!
Made Wrong is a step forward from territories that Heiress have already been in and mastered. I'm guessing this step will keep the creative juices flowing.
Slow Code call themselves a "Seattle WA-based dirge-punk power trio. Overcaffeinated, pensive, dissonant". I couldn't agree with that description more.
One of these days I hope to get a chance to witness Tiny Knives do their damage in person. Until then Black Haze will be on heavy rotation in my household.
Adore Life is mostly full of tracks that pummel your brain and rattle your bones. My body is definitely in tune with what Savages are doing. 5 out of 5!
Yellow Eyes weren't specifically thinking of me, but I am sure Yellow Eyes were thinking of someone when they created their latest album, Sick With Bloom.