On Chapter and Verse, Funeral For a Friend have shown that even seven albums into a career you can still be a relevant band in an ever changing rock genre.
Cloakroom just released their amazing full-length album Further Out and we loved it so much that we had to ask their bass player Bobby Markos about it.
Belle and Sebastian's new LP, Girls in Peacetime Want to Dance, is like a party that just doesn't end, and JP explains why that may not be the greatest thing.
Brandon talks with the amazing noise-wave band Doomsday Student about American Gladiators, crazy sound guys and their new album A Walk Through Hysteria Park
The production on Rae Sremmurd's Sremmlife is killer! Hooks for days.. Can the Mississippi based duo live up to the rest of the record? Mickey explains his view here.
Love Buzzard the duo from Leeds, England is full of fuzz laden guitar lines and drums to make you tremble. Griff is hoping for more of their awesomeness in 2015.