Left Unsaid: Never Ending, It’s Better That Way – DIY Punk Rock and Beyond, an interview with Mario Rivera
Record Review: Chelsea Wolfe – Pain Is Beauty tomvickress·September 23, 2013Every so often, a new artist emerges that follows a completely different set of ideals in regards to...Album Reviews·2 mins read
Interview with O’Brother Isaac Atencio III·September 19, 2013In my very humble opinion, I see O'brother in the same light as an early Radiohead (which I can also hear influence of on Disillusion).Interview·5 mins read
Marriages @ Kilby Court SLC, UT 07/10/13 Jon Robertson·September 7, 2013I had been wanting to post this concert review of Marriages since I saw the show back in...Concert Reviews·2 mins read
Record Review: Native — Orthodox Quinten O'Neal·August 9, 2013You should think of Indiana’s Native as a group of post-hardcore super heroes. In a genre that had...Album Reviews·1 min read
Record Review: Zorch – ZZOORRCCHH tomvickress·July 25, 2013With such an unconventional name like Zorch, it comes as no surpise that the band itself is quite...Adopt This Album·2 mins read
Another 15 Questions with Mylets Jon Robertson·May 17, 2013A lot has changed for Henry Kohen a.k.a. Mylets since we last spoke in December. He’s moved to Los...Album ReviewsInterviewMusic·6 mins read
Tera Melos / TTNG @ The Garrison TO, ON 04/28/13 tomvickress·May 7, 2013Performance art, especially in big cities like Toronto is everywhere; there is a strong chance that if you...Concert ReviewsMusicOpinion·5 mins read
Record Review: Tera Melos – X’ed Out tomvickress·April 9, 2013Hailing from Sacramento, California, Tera Melos is a band that has held a firm grasp on my attention...Album ReviewsMusic·3 mins read
15 Questions with Mylets Jon Robertson·December 14, 2012If you haven’t heard Mylets yet, the best way I could describe his sound would be to smash...InterviewMusic·7 mins read
Maps & Atlases / The Big Sleep / Hands @ Kilby Court, SLC (06/16/12) Jon Robertson·June 27, 2012I know Uncle Nate has already written a review on this tour, but for the sake of posting all...Concert Reviews·3 mins read