Album Review: Strung Out – Transmission.Alpha.Delta joshspeters·June 12, 2015In a nut-shell Transmission.Alpha.Delta feels like a well deserved tribute Strung Out wrote to themselves and I can’t… stop… listening to it!Album Reviews·1 min read
Adopt This Album: The Songs Of Tony Sly: A Tribute joshspeters·April 24, 2015The Songs of Tony Sly: A Tribute is a fittingly awesome tribute to one of the most important punk rock songwriters of our generation.Adopt This Album·2 mins read
Album Review: Rise Against – The Black Market joshspeters·July 30, 2014The latest LP from the socially aware Rise Against does not quite live up to the angsty, and energetic music of the bands past.Album Reviews·3 mins read
Album Review: The Menzingers – Rented World joshspeters·July 1, 2014The Menzingers' Rented World is a provoking exercise crafted from 26 letters, 16 metal strings, 8 things to hit with 2 wooden sticks, and 4 human beings.Album Reviews·2 mins read
Record Review: Iceage – You’re Nothing tomvickress·March 2, 2013Denmark’s Iceage, a group of four guys just breaking the age of 20, have been deemed by some...Album ReviewsMusic·3 mins read