Breaking The Circle – Talking Circle Breaker With Noah Taxpayer, Drummer For Experimental Portland Punks, The Taxpayers
Deadpool’s Top 10 Albums of 2013 Nathan Jones·January 15, 2014After reading nearly a million top ten/top fifty/best of 2013 album lists on various music blogs, I figure...Album ReviewsBest of ListsOpinion·13 mins read
Jon and Isaac’s Top 50 Albums of 2013 Isaac Atencio III·January 1, 20142013 has been a pretty great year in music and if you have been keeping up with any...Album ReviewsBest Albums Of The Year ListsBest of ListsOpinion·37 mins read
Record Review: Chelsea Wolfe – Pain Is Beauty tomvickress·September 23, 2013Every so often, a new artist emerges that follows a completely different set of ideals in regards to...Album Reviews·2 mins read