Breaking The Circle – Talking Circle Breaker With Noah Taxpayer, Drummer For Experimental Portland Punks, The Taxpayers
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 11 Kendon Luscher·September 18, 2019Illustration Credit: Aaron Cooper Note from the informational ether: “Nosedive” is a collection of essays and narrative prose written...BackpageFeaturedNovel·10 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 10 Kendon Luscher·September 4, 2019Illustration Credit: Aaron Cooper Note from the informational ether: “Nosedive” is a collection of essays and narrative prose written...FeaturedNovel·11 mins read
Five Feet Under | Featuring Guest Keith Pille Kendon Luscher·August 15, 2019Five Feet Under is a podcast where we ask a guest five questions. Today's guest is writer, musician, artist and podcaster Keith Pille.FeaturedFive Feet UnderInterviewPodcast·1 min read
Play It Again: July 2019 Edition | The Appleseed Cast Kendon Luscher·July 31, 2019About a month ago, Appleseed Cast put out a post-emo masterpiece (The Fleeting Light of Impermanence, which is...FeaturedNew JamsPlaylist·2 mins read
Sunspotting Kendon Luscher·July 19, 2019The sun keeps speeding toward us and even the spiders don't know what to do. Maybe the time phone can help.BackpageJoke·9 mins read
One. Thirteen. Seventeen. Kendon Luscher·July 18, 2019In a shocking turn of events, I have been poisoned. My body is teeming with large quantities of psilocybin and cathinone, which are schedule 1 drugs known for their psychedelic effects.BackpageJoke·6 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 7 Kendon Luscher·July 17, 2019New job. New nose. New Ben.FeaturedNovel·8 mins read
Stranger Things Is Too Weird For My Taste, Sorry Kendon Luscher·July 15, 2019At least they got the title right because everything in this show is stranger than the last. I don’t even know where to start!BackpageJokeOpinionOverratedTelevision·6 mins read
The Greatest Song Ever Written: Piano Man Kendon Luscher·July 12, 2019Life is confusing. Currently, we are living in a timeline that seems to be from Joker’s fever dream,...BackpageGreatest Song Ever WrittenMusic·4 mins read
Reflections In Water and Glass: A Stunning New Direction Kendon Luscher·July 11, 2019Humans aren’t great. Our universe kind of sucks. Discover the way out.BackpageJoke·9 mins read