Album Review: Neil Young – Live at the Cellar Door Roz Milner·December 18, 2013Over the years, Neil Young’s teased and promised his archives project. To date, only one volume’s seen release,...Album Reviews·4 mins read
New Jams: Busta Rhymes & Q-Tip: The Abstract and The Dragon Quinten O'Neal·December 18, 2013I am by no means an expert on hip-hop. It is only within the last two years or...Album ReviewsNew Jams·1 min read
Record Review: Childish Gambino – Because The Internet Kevin Krein·December 9, 2013If you ever want to feel overwhelmed, just stop and think for a moment about our modern world....Album Reviews·6 mins read
Mark’s Top 20 Albums and Worst 5 Albums of 2013 Roz Milner·December 5, 2013All things considered, this was a pretty good year for music. I can think of at least five...Album ReviewsBest of ListsMusic·8 mins read
Bob Dylan @ Blackpool Opera House – 23/11/13 Anna Warnaby·December 3, 2013Blackpool Opera House, surrounded by greasy fish and chips shops and dismal B&Bs, is a far cry from...Concert Reviews·2 mins read
13 Questions with Duncan Attwood of Blueneck Isaac Atencio III·December 2, 2013Blueneck is a hardworking band hailing from North Somerset in the UK. The band is gearing up to...Interview·7 mins read
New Jams: La Verkin Jon Robertson·November 26, 2013Back in the day my favorite Salt Lake City local band was Form of Rocket. Their second album Lumber...New Jams·3 mins read
New Jams: Derek Piotr – Raj Jon Robertson·November 22, 2013I love music that is dark somber and dissonant. I’ve been this way ever since I discovered Massive...New Jams·1 min read
Adopt This Album! Isis – Oceanic (Reissue) Jon Robertson·November 21, 2013Isis were probably one of the most creative and original bands of all time and Oceanic is an all time classic. The album was just remastered and repressed. Adopt This Album·4 mins read
Record Review: Harley Poe – Pagan Holiday EP joshspeters·November 20, 2013I love me some good ol’ fashioned horror themed folk punk and Harley Poe is about the best...Album Reviews·2 mins read