Nghiem Tran – We’re Safe When We’re Alone | A Stupendous, Suspenseful Story Adam P. Newton·October 4, 2023Being scared just to be scared isn’t for me. I especially don’t enjoy jump scares or shock value....FeaturedNovelReview·2 mins read
Hilary Leichter – Terrace Story | The Appeal of Bittersweet Narratives Adam P. Newton·August 7, 2023Few things excite me more than digging into a really good book that actively keeps me guessing. I’m...FeaturedNovelReview·2 mins read
Cool Stuff For Cool Lifeforms: August 2022 Kendon Luscher·August 26, 2022Oh hi. I didn’t see you there. Welcome to Cool Stuff for Cool Lifeforms August 2022, where every...FeaturedMusicNovelOpinionTelevision·3 mins read
Cool Stuff for Cool Lifeforms: July 2022 Kendon Luscher·July 14, 2022Oh hi. I didn’t see you there. Welcome to Cool Stuff for Cool Lifeforms, where every month, I’ll...FeaturedGame ReviewMusicNovelOpinion·3 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 11 Kendon Luscher·September 18, 2019Illustration Credit: Aaron Cooper Note from the informational ether: “Nosedive” is a collection of essays and narrative prose written...BackpageFeaturedNovel·10 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 10 Kendon Luscher·September 4, 2019Illustration Credit: Aaron Cooper Note from the informational ether: “Nosedive” is a collection of essays and narrative prose written...FeaturedNovel·11 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 9 Kendon Luscher·August 14, 2019Nosedive is a punk novel. In this chapter, our hero loses something and then goes to a funeral.FeaturedNovel·9 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 8 Kendon Luscher·July 31, 2019They take every part of you, and life becomes only about them. This sounds bad. It isn’t. It’s a good thing. Life contracts a little bit, taking free time away so only the parts that matter remain. My children became those only parts that mattered.BackpageNovel·9 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 7 Kendon Luscher·July 17, 2019New job. New nose. New Ben.FeaturedNovel·8 mins read
Nosedive | Part 1: Is Suicide Punk? | Chapter 6 Kendon Luscher·July 3, 2019Chapter 6 of the novel Nosedive by Kendon Luscher. Here, our hero discusses whether marriage, being a parent and/or having a job are punk or unpunk. FeaturedNovelPremiere·5 mins read