Left Unsaid: Never Ending, It’s Better That Way – DIY Punk Rock and Beyond, an interview with Mario Rivera
Bad Operation: Self-Titled Debut Album Review Dane Jackson·December 17, 2020If you were to tell me when this year started that a band most people didn’t know existed...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Brandon’s Top 31 Albums of 2020 Brandon Perras·December 14, 2020Brandon Perras picks his favorite 31 albums from 2020. Lots of really good noise rock and heavy stuff with a few less heavy surprises.Best Albums Of The Year ListsBest of ListsFeatured·16 mins read
Crystal Lake Confessional | Freddy vs Jason Aaron Cooper·December 11, 2020For those who haven’t seen Freddy vs Jason, this article contains spoilers. Jason Voorhees is one of the...Dedication PostFeaturedMoviesRants·6 mins read
Interview With New Tone Pioneers, Greg Rodrigue and D-Ray from Bad Operation Dane Jackson·December 9, 2020There are times in life when you realize something special is about to happen. You can sense a...FeaturedInterview·12 mins read
Reckless and Royal: “Beautiful In Blue” | Song Review Sydney Durst·December 7, 2020Reckless and Royal is a two-person alternative band from Texas. The band's debut single "Beautiful In Blue" comes out later this month.FeaturedMusicReviewRock & Roll·1 min read
Interview With Allen White of Denver Melodic Punk Band Record Thieves Dane Jackson·December 4, 2020During times of discomfort and uncertainty, people tend to retreat back to the familiar. No matter how bad...FeaturedInterview·6 mins read
Women Who Rock Collaboration Karen Silva·December 1, 2020Women Who Rock, not only celebrates women in music but is also a crusader in women's health awareness which is beyond inspirational.FeaturedPremiere·1 min read
Horror Movies: Night Visitor/ Lisa / The Lost Coast Tapes Paul Le·November 30, 2020GORIED TREASURES has been reimagined as a column with every entry focusing on random horror movies that are deserving...FeaturedMovies·3 mins read
Crystal Lake Confessional: Jason X Aaron Cooper·November 27, 2020For those who haven’t seen Jason X, this article contains spoilers. Jason Voorhees is one of the most...Dedication PostFeaturedInterviewMovies·14 mins read
Kid Bloom: “Hold In, Hold On” | Song Review Sydney Durst·November 20, 2020Kid Bloom, a Los Angeles-based singer, songwriter released his most recent single "Hold In, Hold On" this past Friday. Here is the review.FeaturedPremiere·1 min read