A PLATE OF GRISL – 2020 FAVORITES 15-11 Matt Jamison·April 26, 2021The purpose of A PLATE OF GRISL is to promote music investment and assist with some music discovery. ...Album ReviewsBest of ListsFeatured·4 mins read
Minnesota’s The Prizefighters Debuts New Web Series Dane Jackson·April 23, 2021Late to the game, I learned about The Prizefighters in 2019. Their latest album Firewalk just came out...FeaturedMusic·2 mins read
Remember The Time Andrew WK Played a Secret Show in the Basement of a Frat in Ann Arbor, Michigan? Dane Jackson·April 22, 2021The last concert I went to before the world took a pause on live music for global pandemic...Concert ReviewsFeaturedMusicReview·6 mins read
Ki Oni – Stay Indoors and Swim | A Glistening Companion for Your Next Quest Adam P. Newton·April 21, 2021How I engage with ambient music differs from most other genres. I can’t have playing in the background...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Interview with Cassie from SKA BOX Dane Jackson·April 20, 2021When thinking about the concept of a subscription box, I think they combine two things people enjoy –...FeaturedInterview·6 mins read
Joystick! – I Can’t Take it Anymore Review Dane Jackson·April 16, 2021The last time New Orleans ska punk band Joystick put out an album was 2017. Four years is...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusicReview·3 mins read
Favorite Overrated Underrated With Oh The Humanity! Dane Jackson·April 15, 2021Since 2012, the Massachusetts punk band Oh The Humanity has been putting out amazing melodic hardcore punk. This...Favorite Overrated UnderratedFeaturedInterviewMusic·2 mins read
Chaser – Dreamers Review Dane Jackson·April 14, 2021On July 31, 2012, punk rock changed forever. For the uninitiated, that’s the day No Use For a...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusicReview·3 mins read
Interview with Frankie & His Fingers Adam P. Newton·April 13, 2021In my write-up of Universal Hurt, I reveled in how Frankie & His Fingers frolicked and cavorted with...FeaturedInterviewMusic·6 mins read
Favorite Overrated Underrated with Esteban Flores Dane Jackson·April 6, 2021If you don’t know who Esteban Flores is yet, then you should fix that as soon as possible....Favorite Overrated UnderratedFeaturedInterviewMusic·4 mins read