Flip and the Combined Effort | Hi, is this Ska’s Mom? Review Dane Jackson·May 23, 2022When I was in elementary school, I started playing the trombone. Everyone at my school had to choose...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusic·2 mins read
Jack White – Fear of the Dawn: Musical Refugee Ryan·May 12, 2022“Music hath charms to soothe the savage breast” William Congreve, poet, and playwright (1670-1729). Burned out, battered, and...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Hans Gruber and the Die Hards | With a Vengeance Review Dane Jackson·May 6, 2022While the album title is a direct reference to the Die Hard franchise, after listening to the 16...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusic·2 mins read
Kelly Hoppenjans – Can’t Get the Dark Out EP | The Power of Poignant and Realistic Romanticism Adam P. Newton·May 3, 2022Songs about falling out of and in love aren’t anything new. The music industry has been fueled by...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Primer – Incubator | The Profound Pull of Professional, Polished Pop Adam P. Newton·April 13, 2022Recently, I’ve been analyzing the intersection of ambition and execution, especially when it comes to art. It’s been...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Original Son | Currents Review Dane Jackson·April 11, 2022There’s a misconception that as folks get older, they stick to what they know when it comes to...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusic·2 mins read
King Garbage – Heavy Metal Greasy Love | Mixing the Artful and the Sensual Adam P. Newton·March 30, 2022As I look back upon my various ruminations on music over the past few years, I realize that...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Eichlers | My Checkered Future Review Dane Jackson·March 25, 2022I want you to look back into your past and remember that one time you heard something for...Album ReviewsFeaturedMusicReview·3 mins read
Drunk Uncle – Look Up | It’s OK to Feel Your Feelings Adam P. Newton·March 16, 2022I’ve always used music to channel my feelings and emotions often at a visceral level. Growing up in...Album ReviewsFeatured·3 mins read
Bodega – Broken Equipment | Long Live Party Rock Adam P. Newton·March 10, 2022As someone who straddles the line between Generation X and Millennials, I grew up in a world consumed...Album ReviewsFeatured·2 mins read