In 2021, Joystick released their latest full-length, I Can’t Take it Anymore, on Bad Time Records. It was their first batch of new songs in four years, and it packed a punch! Particularly because of how personal and introspective the band was on the new songs. It even found its way to the top spot on my 2021 Best Of list.
Thankfully, the wait between releases won’t be as long this time around. Joystick is back with their brand new EP Dwell. Originally recorded in December 2022, this is the first recording to feature saxophone player Bex Rose! While fans likely already know Bex, up until now, you’ve only heard them perform songs written before they joined the band.
I know music is subjective, and a song’s meanings can differ from person to person. With that said, it’s always nice to hear from the band itself on what the songs mean to them. And with Joystick taking a more personal and introspective tone with their last album, I was really curious to see if that trend continued. Thankfully, Joystick’s lead singer, Paul “Duck” Tucker obliged. He and I are on similar life journeys right now, and the tracks on Dwell really speak to me a lot because of it.
Now that I’m in my mid-40s, I find myself thinking about everything I still want to do in life, while simultaneously longing for the days when my biggest concern was what kind of cereal I wanted to eat while I watched Saturday morning cartoons. The songs on Dwell scratch that itch for me. What makes them even better is how talented Joystick is as a band.
Joystick is honestly one of the best ska punk bands making music today, and their new EP is just another feather in their caps.
Before listening to it for yourself, read further as Duck breaks down each track on his band’s new EP. From there, you’ll be able to listen to the songs with a deeper understanding of what the band is trying to tell you with their new batch of songs. After listening, one of the things I want them to tell me is when the next full-length is. I can be patient though. I’ve got four great new additions to their catalog to listen to while I wait.
None of us know how long we have here, and oftentimes I think I don’t have much time left to accomplish all that I want to in this life. The truth is I don’t know that. But, while I am alive and able, I’m going to chase down those dreams. YOLO! Is that still a thing people say?
I was writing this song to remind myself of a simpler time; when my entire world was just the six blocks of my neighborhood. I noticed the word box kept coming up. Juice box, jam box, sandbox. All those things meant so much to me back then. I don’t ever want to forget to take time out of my day to enjoy the little things in life that make it so great.

Our drummer, Kyle “The Tube” Bourque, is one of the most generous people I know. I admire him for that. Sometimes, bands that are on tour crash at his place. Once a band took advantage of his kind nature and were some of the worst guests I’ve heard of. This is just part of that story.
This song ties back into the first track. Because I have so much I want to accomplish in my life, most of the time it seems overwhelming. I have to remind myself constantly that Rome wasn’t built in a day. I try to work towards my goals a little bit each day, even if it’s only for ten minutes, and eventually I’ll get there.
Dwell is available at Bad Time Records and Bandcamp. Follow Joystick on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.