Cool Stuff For Cool Lifeforms: November 2022

Gobble Gobble, mother thankers. We’re on the other side of Thanksgiving, but we’re still going to thank the Turkey Gods for their infinite power and mercy. Spare us of your wrath for one more year, Oh Turkey God. In exchange, here is an offering. Cool stuff: November 2022. Stuff you should check out. It’s a little short this month because I was working on something the past month that took a lot of my attention away from other stuff. Sue me.

This is Cool Stuff For Cool Lifeforms: November 2022.


GladieDon’t Know What You’re In Until You’re Out

Some albums just feel good to listen to, like hanging outside on the first warm day of spring. Don’t Know What You’re In Until You’re Out sprouts into a hook on every song, even if the hook takes a while to germinate. Coupled with constant forwarded momentum, this album feels breezy without lacking in substance.
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Oxford CollapseRemember the Night Parties

This band could be the prototype for loud indie music, the kind of stuff that came out of the Pacific Northwest in the 90s and 2000s. It’s not quite punk or garage rock and it’s in no way precious. Oxford Collapse was your college roommate’s significant other’s favorite band. I have no idea if that makes any sense, but it makes sense to me.
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Showtime: Let The Right One In

Check out this cool shit. It’s a TV adaptation of the vampire movies, but instead of leaning into the horror elements of vampirism, it takes a more science fictiony approach. The show treats vampirism as a disease that needs to be treated, and that’s always going to hit hard in the pandemic-ridden wasteland of a shithole where we currently live. Every time there’s the spread of a mostly avoidable disease in media, we can now say, “Oh yeah, we would have totally fucked up that hard,” and mean it.
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If you enjoyed Cool Stuff November 2022, please check out previous installments here.