Not only is that a kind greeting between friends, but it has also become somewhat of a calling card for Bay Area Musician, Russ Wood. Wood, or Eichlers as he is more affectionately known as, is a trailblazer. In the last year or so, he’s been sprinkling in doses of ska in his music, which at the time was a cross between emo trap and hyperpop. As singles started to amass, ska became more and more prevalent in Ike’s music, leading to the emergence of hyperska! Personally, I’ve been hooked on his music for some time now, and even billed his split EP with Get Tuff as my favorite EP of 2021. So, when I heard that Eichlers had signed to Bad Time Records and was putting out a hyperska full-length, I was sold before I even heard the first single.
Then, the first single dropped, and I was already craving more. The second single helped quench my thirst, but I’ve been patiently waiting for March 25th when My Checkered Future is unleashed into the world. Like all trailblazers, not everyone will be sold initially, but that’s okay. Music is meant to evolve. If it didn’t, then we likely would’ve never had ska punk, or ska core, or any other mixed genre. Now it’s time for hyperpop and ska music to merge, and Eichlers is the one holding the torch. Get ready for it!

With the release of My Checkered Future only a week away, Russ took some time to participate in one of my favorite features on this site – Favorite, Underrated, Overrated. Take a look and listen at the albums Russ picked to tide you over until next week when My Checkered Future can officially blast in your earholes.
Favorite Album
“Isn’t It Worse by Hard Girls. Hard Girls were the scene heroes when I was coming up in San Jose DIY. Everyone agreed they were the best band in town and berated them constantly for not touring despite being downright incredible. This is their debut LP, an album that I eagerly awaited more than any other before or since. I listened to them nonstop, recommended them to everyone who would listen, went to every Hard Girls show I could, and (looking back) probably punished the members incessantly.
I was about to go away to college and Mike from Asian Man promised that he would leak me the album as a graduation gift. He didn’t and I went to college empty-eared; more waiting. When the album DID finally release, I preordered it the minute it went up. $75 Kickstarter bundle: t-shirt, poster, half black – half white vinyl LP, and three custom cassette mixtapes from each member of the band. Hell yeah DUDE! From start to finish, the album did not disappoint.
Their signature blend of Pavement indie rock, ’90s emo, and punk roots was pure serotonin to my YA brain. “Focus On The Tedium” reminds me of working this shitty coffee shop job with my then-gf, now-wife; newly in love and learning how to grow up. I cried the first time I saw them play “Second Glimmer” at 924 Gilman. I drool over Mike’s guitar playing. Max is my favorite drummer. And, Morgan’s voice stirs something in me that I cannot verbalize. While maybe not my favorite band, Hard Girls is definitely a top five band for me and this is my favorite album of all time.

Overrated Album
“Turn The Radio Off by Reel Big Fish. Yeah, yeah, yeah, whatever. I know it’s the record with * t h e ! h i t ! * on it, but c’mon, this thing is fulla stinkers! “241?” Wack. “Skatanic?” Wack. “Say Ten” and “Alternative Baby?” Double wack. The weird “gOoey” production is kinda endearing in some tracks, but mostly gross and annoying. I love RBF, I really do, but saying that TTRO is their SKAgnum SKAous is wrong and silly. I’d gladly bump Candy Coated Fury or Life Sucks… Let’s Dance! before I’d listen to this album, easy.”

Underrated Album
“Electric Education by The Motorcycle Industry. It’s one of few records that I know all the lyrics to. This was a fairly short-lived NYC band with CA roots. Say Anything meets Modern Baseball meets Joyce Manor meets The Front Bottoms. The lyrics are so specific and weird, and somehow indelibly catchy because of it. The music is awesome indie punk with acoustic guitar on every track without feeling too folky or twee. Their drummer and I were Tumblr mutuals. Their singer/guitarist went on to form Perfect Attendance, and then quit music all together to work in tech. Wack. Not enough people appreciated this band while they were around, and not enough people have heard this record IMO.