While Fort Collins, Colorado’s own Dirty Shrines have been together since 2018, we haven’t been graced with a proper full length until this year. Releasing on September 17 on Black Numbers, Digital Ego is a self-aware commentary about how we’re becoming more and more of an online word, and what it means. It’s the perfect album to come out these days, considering our almost two years of isolation and remote living.
Sonically, Digital Ego is what happens when you put bands like Steely Dan, Everclear, The Menzingers, Thin Lizzy, and The Killers into a blender and hit puree. If you’re a fan of the best of the best of ’90s college rock / alternative music, ’70s guitar rock, power pop, and punk rock, then you owe it to yourself to listen to Dirty Shrines.

Ahead of their debut album release on 9/17/2021, Dirty Shrines bass player Drew Johnson spent some time letting us know some of his musical opinions. As an added treat, he didn’t stop there. Curious what other things Drew finds overrated, underrated, or just plain awesome? You’re in luck. Take a gander at what he had to say, and then make sure you check out Digital Ego tomorrow!
Favorite Album (and other things)
“Sam Cooke, One Night Stand Live At The Harlem Square Club, 1963. Alright, I’ve thought about this a lot. If I were actually stranded on an island this is the only album I would absolutely need. This is single handedly the most human recording captured in less than forty minutes. Sam Cooke at his absolute prime. The energy in the audience is completely engrossing and you can just feel the excitement and joy radiate inside of you as you listen on. It has everything from the sad ones, to the party jams, to the love tales. 100% what is to be human and experience the pure magic of the collective soul of music.”

“Rottweilers. My puppy’s name is Tiny Dinky Daffy Marie Dehn Johnson. DM for a picture.”
“Hatch Green Chile. IYKYK.”
Overrated Album (and other things)
“Bruce Springsteen, Born To Run. I can’t run away from this album fast enough. They call him the boss because he doesn’t do shit and nobody likes him. The only Diesel Bruce has ever bought is an overpriced pair of pre-tattered jeans from The Cherry Hill Mall. Real ones know Bob Seger is the actual working man’s Springsteen.”

“Succulents. Shut up and buy a Cactus.”
“Yeti Coolers. Shut up and buy a Coleman.”
Underrated Album (and other things)
“Steely Dan, Countdown To Ecstasy. An overlooked Steely Dan album imho. May not have the hits CBAT, Pretzel Logic, Aja, or Gaucho have, but goddamn this record has it all. Making fun of ’70s new-age, trendy spiritual bullshit? Check. A perfect amalgamation of pop, rock, jazz and folk? Check. Unparalleled self-awareness and erudite witticisms? Check. Just listen to “My Old School” into “Pearl Of The Quarter” and tell me that shit ain’t perfect!”

“Crocs. Shit’s comfy. Fight me.”
“Stratocasters. Widely regarded as the lamest mainstream guitar. Au contraire. If you can rock a Strat that means you play the fuck out of guitar. Jimi Hendrix. Dick Dale. Doug Martsch. Enough said.”