One of the great things about twitter and TikTok these days is that there are bands out there to discover. If you really want to break out of the monotony of listening to the same bands, all it takes is a little effort. That’s what happened with me and The JB Conspiracy. Ska Punk International, who will be distributing this album in the US, made a post about the band. Sadly, they weren’t on my radar at the time, so I immediately checked them out. After learning about Call Me Malcolm last year, and Andy B & The World this year, I was feeling pretty good about the prospect of learning about a new (to me) UK ska band. Well, as expected, The JB Conspiracy hit the spot.
For the uninitiated, like me, The JB Conspiracy are a London-based band who blend ska music in innovative ways.
While listening to Beginnings, I was immediately hit with the same experimental vibes I get when listening to RX Bandits. The JB Conspiracy give off some pretty strong RX vibes with their masterful blend of ska music, synth, punk, and prog rock. Each song on this album is so textured and layered. It’s going to take multiple enjoyable listens to really catch everything. A song like “Battles,” for instance, has musical highs and lows – it builds to bombastic choruses and horn lines, and then ends with a solo piano ala Faith No More’s “Epic.”
Sure there are songs on Beginnings that skew more punk, or more ska, but overall, the music doesn’t fit nicely in box – which is a good thing.
One of my favorite songs on the album is “Starting Again”. The band hasn’t put out new music in about eight years. In this song, they tell fans the ride isn’t over yet. It’s almost a call to arms of sorts. When the song opens with “gather all your belongings, we’re starting again,” we know that it’s time to awaken from our collective slumbers. Whether that’s from our pandemic haze, self-doubt, or releasing new music, is really up to your personal interpretation.
In a sense, The JB Conspiracy is inviting us to begin to live our lives again. After the last year and a half I’ve had, I’ve got all my belongings packed. Let’s go! After listening to this song a few times, it sounds like the band is channeling some A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out-era Brendon Urie. Just another one of their many layers that make it so enjoyable for the listener. You certainly won’t get bored listening to Beginnings.

Beginnings is a powerful album on its own merit. It’s a 45 minute masterpiece that makes you think; makes you dance; and makes you want to listen to it again. Each member of this band is immensely talented, and I’m grateful that they’re finally on my radar. Better late than never I suppose. After thoroughly devouring Beginnings, I’ve taken it back to the beginning and started listening to This Machine. The JB Conspiracy is a great example of a ska band that is moving the genre forward. They really do raise the bar for what it means to be a ska band in 2021. If you haven’t heard their music yet, what are you waiting for?