Disclaimer: This is in conjunction with our Ad Read podcast and may or not be real, but what is reality anyways.
Holy fuckin shit! The Ad Read Podcast is wild man.
Plus, it’s about to drop its tenth episode.
And they have something incredibly special for ALL OF YOU!
You know when two worlds collide and BANG! Everything dies and then the world is just gone and it is crazy hard to find your pineapple swimsuit because your dead and the swimsuit disintegrated? Well, that is basically what is happening in this fuckin insane remix by one of the dopest DJ’s out right now, DJ Pontiac Beavers where he samples Donnie Heartthrob’s universal ass smash hit “Alopechia Lady”.
Christ! The Ad read Podcast has done it again!
Just making magic happen by bringing two of music’s geniuses together to make it a goddamn whiteout of a Christmas in your pants if you know what I mean. Like literally Christ gets an erection when he listens to this jam and watches this amazing video. Honestly, you could do pull-ups on Jesus’ boner if you gave him a snack to pre-occupy him and then put this video on.
Wait… Wait… Wait…
You don’t know who Donald Heartthrobers is?! That’s the lamest shit ever. He is basically the only artist that has ever had more sex than Prince (R.I.P.). Like this dude knows sex more than I could possibly explain. Like pure sex = Dooony Heartpumper. Just listen to his amazing machismo in episode six – the one based on true love (or pure sex).
Who could have imagined that the Ad Read podcast was going to be the smashing success it has become.
It literally has ten or more listeners and continues to inspire the world to never leave the house or talk to anyone ever again. If that’s not a world we can all love then I think we may be truly lost as a species. And with this remix / video we have another example of pure bliss that the Ad Read Podcast is directly responsible for.
So behold!
In celebration of Ad Read’s tenth episode, B.G.M. presents the greatest song / remix / music video of all time.
Please share it with the oldest person you know, because we are doing our best to get rid of all the Baby Boomers in the world and if this person is older than a baby Boomer I would still show them and encourage them to show some of the Boomers they might know like their children so that we can say goodbye to the cancerous existence of the most deplorable generation of our lifetime.