So there’s this…
Not sure how to transition from there, except to intro with…
Many of the albums released within the past year were good. Many were not. Every year we as fans pick our likes and our dislikes, and we could all make our own Top 10 or Top 100 lists of whatever WE wanted.
But, to be fair… oh wait … It doesn’t matter how “fair or balanced” I want to be; I cannot. Whatever list of whatever genre I create is still an opinion. My opinion, which creates the reality that you – the critical reader – can freely disagree with.
With that said, I will attempt to break down what might be the collective and/or popular list of 2016’s most anticipated and hoped for rock releases. And by “rock” I mean anything that might be encompassed in the world of music not created by computers or robots.
I hope that this can give us all a place to begin to be excited as to what this year will bring for those of us who like to pump our fists rather than shake our booties. Of course, booty shaking is much more socially acceptable these days.
10. The Offspring – Title???
How can anyone deny the impact and the influence on rock and punk that this band has? Over 20 years kicking it, and now what will be their 10th LP, these leaders in the pop-alt-punk-rock world will most assuredly deliver a strong album. Or maybe they won’t because as of now they are richer than Rob Schnieder because of the recent purchase of their back catalogue by some rich record company corporate conglomerate…Um, anyways, none of that changes the fact that this will be one of the most anticipated albums to come at us this year.
9. Beartooth – Title???
Disgusting blew away the scene and revived some much needed energy for hardcore. If this forthcoming new album resembles any part of their last effort, look out! They could go heavier, softer, more punky, or more metal. It wouldn’t really matter because this young band is killing it! If you haven’t joined this fast moving bandwagon, get on it!
8. Blink 182 – Title???
We blinked and 2015 came and went. Then we learned that Tom DeLonge is leaving Blink. Oh well. Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio should do ok for them. Right?
Well, at least Angels & Airwaves have created the best music on the planet!!! Where did Box Car Racer go?? sigh…
7. Deftones – Gore (Title?)
Legends in their own right, and a band with a crazy history, the return of the Deftones will make 2016 that much more tolerable. Since 2012’s acclaimed Koi No Yokan we have been awaiting for Chino to smoothly serenade us while simultaneously rocking our asses off in the heat of the sun.

6. Korn – Title???
Without Korn, the world would be a much less dirty- dreadlocked place. But from those dreads comes some of alt-metals most honest and original material. 2016 will need as much of that as possible due to the fact that politics has become a contest of who can hurl the best insults and who can take it the worst. Leave it to Welch and his tatted brothers to not give a shit and give all those chain wallets a reason to really bounce!
5. Metallica – Title???
Who knows if they should even be on this list for 2016? Will the album be ready this year? Will Lars get arthritis before he gets all of his drum parts recorded? Will they die? Of course we all hope not – unless you are sick and morbid. There are a lot of variables surrounding this one, but it’s been like 7 years since Death Magnetic so whats one more? Or two or three? Either which way, they are the world’s most successful metal band, so…we will wait.
4. Brian Fallon – Painkillers
The Gaslight Anthem frontman is going solo, and I think he actually will not pull a Dee Dee Ramone! He has the seasoned voice to go in any direction he wants though, and here’s hoping that he more or less sticks to his Americana style of rock, probably just more stripped down.

3. Saosin – Title???
You may not have never heard of them, but one thing you need to know is that they were better with their old singer, Cove Reber. Kinda how Queen was Queen with Freddie Mercury. Anyways, this band can play musicianship circles around any of their peers, and for that, their new TBA album should kill; and Circa Survive singer (originally of Saosin) Anthony Green has a pretty voice to accompany their skills. Look out for this 2005-esque blaze of rock that could potentially make you hate that you are now over 30. Unless you’re not.
2. Brand New – Title???
Daisy came out in 2009. There are rumors being laid to rest that they will be calling it quits soon, along with evidence they are recording some…thing… If so, they will give the term bittersweet a whole new meaning. For being a band who created four albums that each stand alone as classics, we all expect huge things from Brand New. But they probably don’t care and will just write about super ambiguous dark sad things like murder and regretful love affairs. Although, that has worked for them before. Once ambiguous, always ambiguous.
1. Thrice – Title???
Thrice are back from their long hiatus, and fans are probably most excited than they have ever been for a new Thrice record. With one of the most diverse and interesting discographies around, there is always no telling what their next set of songs will sound or be like?! I am betting on one thing though; it will be incredible. Frontman Dustin Kensrue made a solid solo album, and if any inspiration from that flows into this forthcoming album then we are in for some goodness.
There are many other possibly great albums to come out this new year, so lets pace ourselves and remember that these 10 are merely a stepping stone to what this year will bring. From the seedy underground indie rockers to the high powered arena elitists, this should be a decent year for music. Hope you really enjoyed or brutally hated this list! Either way, leave a comment or hit me up here: Quiet Viking Music Sharing