R.I.P. Gared 11/24/21. Please consider donating to his family’s Go Fund Me.
2015 Interview with Gared here.
Do you have a favorite album that you absolutely adore, but by liking the album you are kind of torturing yourself because you know you’ll never get to see any of the songs off the album played live? Well, that was me and my relationship with Planes Mistaken for Stars and their last album Mercy. I had discovered Planes Mistaken for Stars around 2010, well after their 2008 breakup. I had always been aware of the band, but never really gave them much attention until one day I stumbled upon their video for “Little Death.” Both the song and the concept for the video totally crush and I seriously never get tired of hearing the song and watching the fairly hilarious video. So about five weeks ago I saw an event posted on Facebook that Planes Mistaken for Stars were playing Burt’s Tiki Lounge with one of my favorite current bands All Eyes West. I honestly thought I was hallucinating. Upon seeing the event post I began to scour through the internet for news of a Planes Mistaken for Stars reunion and there was little to no information anywhere about it.
Since the band’s breakup Planes Mistaken for Stars have had no online presence to speak of, so there was no official announcement or info from them on the reunion or tour. As the days grew closer to the show I became more skeptical. Then a couple of days before the show All Eyes West began posting some information about their upcoming tour with Planes Mistaken for Stars. Finally, it felt real! It was actually going to happen, I was going to be able to experience some songs off of Mercy live. On top of that I was going to get to see All Eyes West for my first time.

Isaac and I arrived to Burt’s right on time. All Eyes West had just finished setting up their gear and were about to begin their set. Then boom! It began and All Eyes West were off and running. I have enjoyed this Chicago based bands’ brand of post-punk hardcore ever since discovering their 2011 self titled album. To say that these three dudes played ferociously would be an understatement. The band was full of raw power for the full 40 minute set. Justin Miller (bass / vocals) yelled and sneered the whole time, while Jeff Dean (guitar) launched himself all over the stage riffing with precision, and Ronnie DiCola (drums) assaulted the skins and cymbals mercilessly. The wait to see All Eyes West paid off, this band absolutely owns live and I highly recommend you check their tunes out and see them when they come through your town.
Next up was the moment that I never thought was going to happen, I was actually going to see Planes Mistake for Stars live. I waited patiently while the band quietly situated their gear and got everything plugged in. The anticipation was killing me. The band burst open their set with “A Six Inch Valley” one of my favorite songs off of 2004’s Up In Them Guts. It honestly felt like a dream to be witnessing these dudes do their thing on stage. The band was tight and spot on, despite not having played together for the better part of two years.

Planes Mistaken for Stars tore through a variety of songs covering their entire discography. You could tell as their set went on that the band were getting more and more into it and they seemed to be realizing with every song, how much they missed playing together and being a part of the awesomeness that is Planes Mistaken for Stars. Frontman Gared O’Donnell (guitar / vocals) even admitted as much, by telling the crowd that this was the first time that he had played guitar in two years and how good it felt. You could tell that he and the band were really enjoying themselves. With O’Donnell becoming more and more of whiskey-swigging crazed wild-eyed preacher with every passing song. The highlights of the show for me were getting to see “Little Death” performed live along with two more of my favorite tracks from Mercy “To Spit a Sparrow” and “Never Felt Prettier”.

It truly was an epic evening to be a part of, I got to see one of my favorite up and coming bands in All Eyes West and a long lost legend in Planes Mistaken for Stars, it was truly something special. It was a night that I feel blessed to be a part off. After the show I talked with Planes Mistake for Stars drummer Mike Ricketts for a minute. He was a super nice dude and thanked me several times for coming to the show (no, no, thank you kind sir)! I asked him about the future of the band and he told me that they were in fact working on some new songs and that they should have a new album out at the beginning of 2015. Praise the post-hardcore gods! Here’s to a speedy release of new material from both All Eyes West and Planes Mistaken for Stars. Thanks to both bands for killing it that night as well.