Discovered some new jams from a couple of bands whose new albums I am excitedly waiting for…
Meshuggah is supposed to have a new record coming out called Koloss. Here’s a supposedly officially leaked yet to be named track that may or may not be on the album.
Also if you need a reminder how intense and amazing these dudes are I suggest you watch the video for “Bleed”. In fact anytime you do anything bad or make a mistake you should be forced to watch this video in your undies.
Also, The Mars Volta released a snippet of “The Malkin Jewel” off Noctourniquet everybody seems to be hating on this song. But I think its great. I just hope the new album isn’t a bunch of interludes and brass section. I need the future super-duper afro funk punk be-bop from these dudes.
Both albums are supposed to be out 03/27/12 so basically that day has the potential to be heaven on earth or blistering hell if both albums suck. Oh! the anticipation.